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Boy Upside Down


Ages 4-11
June 9 - August 15 (closed July 4)

Summer care will be offered for ages 4-11! Ages 6-11 will meet in our gymnastics center, while ages 4&5 will meet in our preschool room. Each group will have daily outdoor time, weather permitting. Please see the reverse side for a sample daily schedule.


Each week will feature a fun theme, and each Friday will be Wet & Wild water day with our slip n’ slides, water balloons, and more!

*7am-6pm M-F available

Please stop by or give our office a call at 669-7722. A registration fee of $50 plus your first week’s tuition is required to hold your spot– these fees are non-refundable. 10% sibling discount applies for full time care only. Children must be fully potty trained. Full summer commitment is required. 1 week vacation allowance is included.



  • Full time: $210

  • M/W/F: $165

  • T/Th: $110

Tuition will automatically be charged each Monday.

6-11 year old Daily Schedule (May slightly vary by day)

7-8am: Drop off and Free Play in Big Gym

8-8:15am: Circle Time in lobby (independent reading for older children)

8:15-8:45am: Small group activities/board games in Wisdom Gym room

8:45-9:15am: Ninja Room activities-parachute, obstacle courses, trampoline rotation

9:15-9:45am: Snack (hand washing first for all-one staff stands in bathroom and oversees/ helps with washing while the other prepares snack and passes it out.

9:45-10:15: Group one-Craft in lobby

Group 2- Centers-Sensory, Coloring, reading, board games, manipulatives

10:15-10:45: Switch

10:45-1130: Outdoor play

11:30-12:15: Lunch (bathroom, and hand washing)

12:15-1:15pm: Relax time (this is very flexible and will depend on age. A movie will be available and quiet centers for those who do not nap. There will be board games and reading available)

1:15-2: STEM activities in lobby

2-3pm: Centers

3-3:20: Snack in lobby

3:20-3:55: Outdoor play

3:55-4:10pm: Group 1-Coloring pages or crossword puzzles, word searches

Group 2-Read aloud (chapter book-read two chapters a day to the whole group)

4:10-4:25: Switch

4:25-5: Lego building/play-doh time in WG room

5-6pm: Free Play and centers in Wisdom Gym Room (open gym time on Wed and Friday)

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